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Men-watching weekend

Another weekend is already gone...
Time flies and tomorrow my alarm will be ready to kick my ass at 06:30 am.

So, it was another intense weekend, as always, 'cause in two days, instead of chilling, reading, doing absolutely nothing, I use to do stuff.

What kind of stuff you're asking, right?

Well, this weekend a very kind and extraordinary talented freelence photographer wanted me for a photoshoot and introduced me to another very talented young girl who made me look like a Hollywood diva: I had a lot of fun and they were so professional, that made me in a certain sense nervous sometimes, but it was ok after all...
So 4 different outfits, 2 make up sessions and a lot of ego.

When I accept to shoot for somebody, even a friend of mine or my mother, I always feel very confident and I'm glad of it because I've fought so hard to accept myself, to see me clearly beyond all those blurred lines and huge snags. It makes me sad when I hear beautiful girls complaining about their body, but in the end I know that this self-care process takes time and we're not all the same, so I'm faithful.

Anyway, in the afternoon I went to my dance class, spent 2 hours there and get out very sweaty but satisfied :)

It's time to move to the core topic of this post: men-watching.

So today I went to the mall, a very big one 30 km far from my place, to shop and hang out a little. I immediately realized that I was surrounded by men waiting for their lovers outside every damned store, or walking behind them like zombies, staring at the exit door insted of striving for fresh brains!

Men giving fashion advices to their girls in the girl section of the stores (what the hell is happening? When did we start "needing" their advices???), men choosing the best shade of your concealer and having seen all Rihanna's new collections, men trying all the face masks in Sephora basing on their skin type (and knowing already their skin type of course), men choosing purses, men asking money for food (this is RIDICULOUS).

I don't know what's happening, I don't know if the end of the world is closer and closer, but 
thank God I'm single.
Enjoy the rest of the night and comment if you want :)


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